Praying Alongside You

The three guideposts of The Redeemed Sisterhood are based on Sharing Scripture, Praying Alongside You, and Equipping You for Battle. Today we want to dive into the second of those – praying alongside you.

Prayer is so important in our lives and yet some days we rush through only to fall into bed at night realizing we didn’t talk to the Lord all day. We get busy with all the things, and lose track of what is most important, connecting deeply with God. I am sure at one time or another we have all done it so let's try something new, together. Let's start adding in a few points in the day where we can pause and have a little chat with Jesus.

A couple ideas...
Do it first thing in the morning while brushing your teeth.
Again at lunch, for a moment.
Follow that up by praying while waiting at the stop light on your way home from work.
While folding the 67th load of laundry this week.
With your kids as you tuck them in.
Finally, when you lie down at the end of the day.

If we anchor our prayer to things we're already doing during our day we won’t forget or lose sight of the Lord. Know this, you can’t do prayer wrong, just imagine sitting down with a friend for coffee and sharing what is on your heart. Bear it all, hide nothing and He will meet you right where you are. We are praying for you friends, that you may find moments in your day where you can draw close to His divine presence.

If you are interested in strengthening your prayer life, download our FREE PDF by clicking here.


Praying Through Your Day and a FREE Gift for You!


In the Beginning…